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" In the beginning, mountains were mountains; rivers were rivers.

And then, mountains were no longer mountains and rivers were rivers no more.

Eventually, mountains were mountains and rivers were rivers again.

But there was a world of a difference "

The felling of a tree is loud, but not the blossoming of a flower.


Transformation is a delicate process and happens at a much subtler level. In a world where our senses and attention are bombarded and conditioned to be tuned to what is loud and sensational, reclaiming our ability to stay sensitive to subtleties is imperative. This is why almost all of our offerings are designed to be experiential; because no amount of understanding can amount to a single powerful moment of experiential realization. This is also why we place enormous emphasis and value in people's first hand accounts of what they experience. While it may certainly be challenging at times to describe our observations of our own subtle inner changes with words, some of these heartfelt personal truths are our most cherished treasures.















" How we hold ourselves within will reflect upon the space we facilitate' - this was one of my greatest takeaways that I experienced first hand. I also learned that I can find that sweet spot where I can both be assertive as well as sensitive when uncomfortable situations emerge unexpectedly. Since the lab, I have been re-imagining my role from that of a traditional teacher to that of a facilitator and even my students have began noticing changes in how I hold spaces more assertively in the classroom.


During the session, I learned how to listen and connect with others' truths deeply.  I unlearned my judgments about judgments. I felt I could be, learn and express myself authentically instead of being stuck in ideas of right and wrong.  As soon as I reached home that day, I couldn't hold myself back from calling up my friends and sharing with my father about my experience of the lab. It was deeply fulfilling to see that most of my unlearning was facilitated to come from within, instead of being taught by someone else."

Nancy V
Teacher, Waldorf  School, Chennai, India
Facilitators' Unlearning Lab (2023)

" I am a person who has been constantly surrounded by distractions right from childhood. It has always been difficult for me to focus on one thing at a time. I have lots of anxiety which makes it very difficult for me to be present in the moment. I even took up counseling but nothing seemed to work.


But throughout the session, I was able to stay present in the moment, which is very difficult for me. Without thinking about the past or the future, I was able to appreciate what I had and was going through, feeling grateful
towards everything  in the universe. It felt like I was in some kind of a flow state for most of the session. "

M T, South Africa
Presence Full Moon sessions online. (2023)
Listen, Breathe & See Course (2019)

"As a spiritual seeker, I have read several self help books and watched countless videos but my peace was short-lived and mostly absent when it came to many real life situations. Through Aliveness, we are exploring simple, practical and impactful options that have really grounded me in myself.


I am surprised how these sessions have brought down my anger, frustration levels in just a few weeks. These sessions with Kaushiek have been a real blessing in my life and I would highly recommend this journey for anyone who is looking to connect deeply and genuinely with themselves. Thank you Kaushiek."

G J, Nebraska, USA
Aliveness Mindful Presence based Life Coaching (2023)

" The IKIGAI journey was a gateway to go deeper into my life and I discovered many insights about my life and my goals. The facilitation brought out ideas and strengths I often overlook. The sessions helped me question some of my long held core convictions and stirred up pertinent questions, helping me peel off different layers as opposed to a linear understanding of the concept. "

S VJ, Himachal
IKIGAI coaching (2023)
Breathe - Daily Practice Sessions(9).jpg
Breathe - Daily Practice Sessions(8).jpg

" Post covid was really difficult for me. Breathing issue was a big problem. During the programme, I started unlearning my improper & dysfunctional breathing patterns.These practices have introduced me to the breath awareness and the body-mind-breath connection.


These practices have become my routine now and I truly believe and feel that they
have a powerful impact in bringing greater mental balance, which is the need of the hour.
I am grateful and highly recommend 'Breathe' by Unlearning Ashram"

Asif Ali, Kozhikode
Eleven day Breathe Course Online (2021)

"This beautiful journey with Kaushiek helped me re-imagine, practice and see self-care in a whole new way.

It helped me deal with difficult situations I feel a lot more resilient to future situations."

Ketan T
Scientist, Ministry of Science &Technology,Govt. Of India, Delhi, India
Authentic Self Care Course (2021)

" Listen Breathe & See is a gift and a possibility that invites you to question everything you already know at a subtle level and uses that to make a whole new YOU. The experiments, group sessions and practices are paced in a comfortable, cool and clever rhythm that makes it easy to uncoil and rediscover what is lost in life for most us.


Kudos to Kaushiek for designing this offering. I strongly feel that this course should be made

part of schools and colleges who are interested in genuine holistic transformation. "

Kishore Chanduru
Head of Design, Aurobindo Realty & Infrastructure, Hyderabad
Listen, Breathe & See Course (2021)
ReIgnite Community (2019-2021)

" I had been feeling that I needed to devote time to myself, to get in touch with my core. Ever since I heard about the course, I just felt that it's the right time for me to be a part of it. And what a wonderful experience this has been! "

Marketing Head, Star World, Mumbai, India
Authentic Self Care Course (2020)

“ The course helped me to created more space within me to observe my behavior patterns and motivated me to continue challenging myself. It is a great reminder on the importance of staying in the present - to value and grow from it. It helped me deepen my process of centering myself and embodying the capacity and joy of observing even the little things that happen everyday, simply for what they are.

It has helped me open up and accept that self-discipline & commitment play an important role in my journey.”

Marilú Mapengo Námoda
Artist & Activist, Mozambique/The Netherlands
Listen, Breathe & See Course (2020)
11 day Breathe Course
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